Project Name:
Natural Resources Management Plan (NRM) for the Carib Territory, Commonwealth of Dominica (2005-2006)

Yolanda is a qualified regional and environmental planner with extensive knowledge and experience ... more
Vernese is an environmental management and policy specialist with more than fifteen years experience ... more


Client: European Union (Caribbean Regional Environmental Programme)

Description: The NRM Plan for the Carib Territory provided an overview of the biological and physical attributes of the area, summarised the significance of those attributes, identified internal and external threats and impacts and offered preliminary management options and recommendations for natural resources management.  The process involved field training and consultation sessions with community members.

Challenges: The main threats identified to natural resources management related to land degradation, solid waste management, water resources management, biological diversity, availability of technical and financial resources within the community, limited legislation or poor enforcement of existing laws, and limited public awareness of the inter-relationships between the natural environment and human actions 

Ecoisle Solutions: A general recommendation was the introduction of an integrated, multi-agency approach to comprehensive natural resources management. Specific recommendations in the NRM Plan included increased public awareness campaigns on solid waste management options and environmental conservation practices, regular monitoring and evaluation of potable water, the development of training programmes on appropriate farming practices and the development of policies and standards for harvesting and hunting guided by environmental principles and linked to ecotourism ventures.  The NRM Plan served as a platform for further consultations between the Carib Council and the community as part of their preparation of an overall development planning strategy.    



Entrance to the Carib Territory in the Commonwealth of Dominica,
West Indies

A section of the lands of the Carib territory is shown in the background