Project Name:
Training in Integrated Development Planning as it relates to Risk Assessment (2006).

Yolanda is a qualified regional and environmental planner with extensive knowledge and experience ... more
Vernese is an environmental management and policy specialist with more than fifteen years experience ... more

Service Category: TRAINING

Client:  United States Agency for International Development Caribbean Open Trade Support Programme.

Description:   Development and delivery of a training workshop on an integrated approach to development planning by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, that encourages collaboration among all relevant ministries and key stakeholders from the private sector and NGOs.  The training targeted senior level personnel in the public and private sectors and the NGO community. 

Challenges:  A common weakness of public sector management in the Eastern Caribbean was reflected in Antigua and Barbuda: that is, fragmentation and duplication in the roles, responsibilities and approach to development planning. 

Ecoisle Solutions:  Ecoisle’s background investigation of the Antigua and Barbuda situation revealed that what was needed was a vehicle that would initiate the process of thinking, planning and acting in an integrated manner, and in so doing achieve the goal of reducing risks from natural and man-made disasters.  We developed and executed a training module that not only delivered an integrated approach to development planning and risk reduction, but also identified an institutional framework within which to successfully implement this approach.  Case studies and best practices were also included as guidance.    




Participants and facilitators at
The training workshop on integrated Development Planning
Antigua and Barbuda